- Don’t force a square peg into a round hole. In other words don’t believe or think for a single moment, that because you have a diagnosis and its quirks of thought, that it means you are going to be this way for ever.
- Write a list of goals you believe you can achieve in less than a year. And choose one you most wish will come true. And place it on Post-It Notes and stick one on your cars sun visor and one on your bathroom mirror. And attempt to using all your available willpower ponder steps you can action right now and ever ongoing to bring it into realization.
- Don’t forget to do number 2. It is vitally important for you to occupy your mind with a major definite aim in life be it called a goal.
- Do not be worried or feel bad about any need to take the doctor’s prescription. But realize it is not a strong reflection that you are ill. Because if the drug works you can call yourself in remission. Because the normal symptoms have been erased.
- Don’t treat being ill like it is unfair.
- By any means possible be around other people who you admire for their handle on life.
- If you can go to the very best psychiatrist your money can buy. And ask him or her as the case may be. Is there a method or manner of thoughts if held long enough and often enough inside the mind you will benefit greatly from this exercise.
- If you wish to be well, I mean really well get for yourself a standardized copy of the Holy Bible as it is a treasure trove of helpful stories and verses guaranteed to make you well again if you pursue this outcome as though this is your last chance on Earth to get a renewing of your mind.
- To be sure when you are a little unsure of the very best method available to you to heal your mind. Seek out and read anything in book form or on Youtube by doctor Joseph Murphy.
- By every means available to you seek out my silent medical soundtrack for healing every mental illness by erasing to begin every negative attitude and negative thoughts. Leaving you with the power of positive thinking. It is available to learn more about it at marcferguson.com.
From the desk of artist Marc Ferguson