This is What Would Happen to You if You Listened to This Everyday For 7 Days!

If you feel like you’d truly like and love to use the most, and I do mean – the most powerful mind
application ever to surface idea wise in the new world. It is not a capsule, a pill or bottle of stuff. It’s
not a philosophy. It is a pure golden silence, be it a medical golden silence that fixes itself to your

brain so yes, so that you’ll never be the same.

Just imagine the skills you’ll have through merely having and keeping your headphones on for a 4

hour at the most prescription given application of the golden silence with a small break of half-an-
hour to wet the appetite of your brain for more golden silence.

Now you’re probably wondering what’s happening inside this the golden silence? This is simply
explained when I tell you there is a rogue agent, a saboteur inside your biological and your

neurological systems.

It uses a discordant noise, that sounds like static electricity to scramble the delicate perfect required
messages from your DNA to your cells. And this is how your cells are caused to mutate and go into
survival mode as a form of cancer, a chronic disease or indeed of the mind. . . A mental health
affliction called depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or a psychotic illness.
The Breath of God golden silence is the medical file named miracle composition, that absolutely
serves to achieve only one thing. The complete neutralization of this rogue agent. Thus immediately
restoring your health to what can perhaps be said to be the full healing of your cancer, of your

chronic disease or your mental illness.

Now that physical and mental healing is out of the way. We can mention and I do mean mention,
the most powerful attribute of the Breath of God concoction. It is a silent medical prescription for
the complete negation of all aspects and attitude developed in your mind of negativity, uncertainty,
doubt, and fear. And in their place it gifts you a truly magnificent power of positive thinking advent.
A true pillar of positive attitude to life, that you will always be doing good new things, and always
having fun, always making the ordinary extraordinary. Sound like something you’d like to achieve?
Now it has another offshoot of a medical nature. And that is it lights up your very own muscle of a

fountain of youth.

Yes, Breath of God handles the complete and full enhancement of every cell. And just to further
surprise you with a repeat of what I have already spoken to you. Being the Breath of God
elimination of the rogue agent, keeps your DNA messages perfect for each and every cell body wise

and brain, mind, consciousness wise. Well, what do you say?

Are you indeed ready to purchase your very own spiritually enhancing, physical enhancing,
mentality enhancing Breath of God? It’s the true and only manner. Or best just simply seen as the
one and only way to remove the rogue agent. And gift you the healing, the self improvement and
the personal development. So that you are really making art, being the true art of creating a

bulletproof mindset. An endless attitude of I can do this.

And you’ll be given the wisdom immediate to engage the workmanship divinely given of the
presence and work ethic likened unto activities. Such as beating your heart etc by the subconscious
minds eternal dweller the one and only Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, also known as The Comforter

to gift you His magnificent arrival of thoughts into your minds free space.

All to see you grow and nurture the emanate arrival of your written down on paper goal. How does
that sound? Yes, divine intervention can be used to gift you the entire life evolutionary jump you’d

love to gift to your wive, husband. Kids and friends.

And can you gift the yes, yes, yes or no, no, no. I’d like to stay in the same old rut tomorrow. And
never gift myself the wisdom approach of saying a yes, yes, yes to listening to Breath of God. Well
done you can consider yourself arrived at the simple gesture of gratitude to the Holy Spirit for truly
enhancing every DNA message. And thereby collapsing the run of the rogue agent and make perfect

your body and mind.

Now I ask you. Did this seem at all like a sales letter? When in effect it is simply my attempt to get
your headphones connected to your ears. And hearing nothing. But knowing and realizing your
brain is running the rogue agent’s presence and manipulations into oblivion.

Leaving you with the divine guidance of the Holy Ghost. Who’ll gift you the flow of thoughts that
will ensure your life is taken into the fast lane on the autobahn. And you’ll perceive the idea given
by Him of what is your major definite aim? What is your major definite purpose in life? Your
hidden desire. And then He’ll have you off and running all the way to the bank.
And if you’d like to know which of my coaching courses is best for you? Love Me Do gives you the
secret to financial independence. Mentorloop gifts you the info you need to become a spiritual
giant, with access to the UNKNOWN IDEAS to engineer a great life of wealth, peace, joy, delight,

and abundance.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance,

By Marc Ferguson, artist, and creator of the Breath of God track and the board game Expressability,
for endlessly good, deep, hard to stop conversations, for all the family and friends you can get

around a table.